Sunday 25 April 2010

tested prototype buggy

As Anand finished the holes for the acrylic layers, I made a prototype buggy to test some of the capabilities and properties the final design would have (where there could be issues and how could they be solved) as well as getting an opportunity to test the code to sort out the main issues before calibration can begin for the final model.

My findings show:

The test clearly shows that due to the light weight properties of the buggy, it is travelling at much faster speed than anticipated (a section would need changing in the program to compensate).

Another factor requiring attention was the possibility that all three sensors would find themselves on a dark line (the buggy would carry on moving in a random fashion as this situation was not accounted for in the first program).

Therefore program 1 was changed to list the the most plausible actions which the buggy could undertake should the middle sensor shows dark levels.

A double "if...then \ elseif...then \ else \ endif" statements was imposed.
The main statement was to check if the conditions showed b2 as being over a dark strip (which would lead into the next statement) else it would stop (assume under light conditions). This eliminated not only the condition should all the sensors be found over a dark strip but allowed the side sensors to be checked every cycle to reduce the chances that the buggy does not find itself under the "pause" condition while reading the b2 sensor and miss the side side sensor going bellow the threshold level as it comes across a turn.

The 4 plausible combinations when b2 is on are: all on, middle and left, middle and right and only middle sensor activated.

I designed the program as the team initially interpreted from the brief for a toggle switch (which would be sourced or an elastic band could be tied round the provided push switch to mimic the behaviour of a toggle switch).

Another factor which would need changing are the threshold light levels that the LDRs react to, the motor directions and delay timings.

Prototype movies :

Proudly sponsored by Kleenex and by Jaws the revenge

1 comment:

  1. Like the use of the tissue box.

    Quick and dirty prototypes are often the way to go in quickly evaluating ideas. Wasting time on over elaborate early designs can kill project momentum.
