Sunday 18 April 2010

Design Idea 2

Whilst the team was discussing design ideas for the buggy casing, I suggested to use the following structure where the main circuit board, batteries, picaxe board and motor drive are placed on the top acrylic layer and only the sensors and LEDs are connected by an extended cable and held in place a short distance from the floor.

(the closer they can be to the floor along with the most lateral coverege available will avoid ambient light from affecting the behaviour of the buggy).

This feature would avoid a large number of long wire cables that will be required to connect to the top layer of the acylic to either the picaxe board or the motor drive (if wires are not positioned properly they could catch on the tyres, impeding its movement or could lead to damaged components).

This is a theme which could be used in order to make the buggy more appealing to the human eye.

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