Thursday 29 April 2010

Project Review

Reviewing the project as a completed whole, there are various tasks i believe we did well and many we could improve on.

Overall i see the project as a success, we completed the final assessment with good marks. I believe the biggest issue would have to be our time planning, in retrospect, i would have liked to have had more time building and testing. Although even when saying i believe i had more time, there was a three week period in the middle of this project where various group members, including myself, were needed elsewehere for the holidays. With this mind, although it's regretful that the three weeks were minimal work wise, i believe we did very well to complete the tasks ahead of us and create a buggy that worked and looked good.

Something i think we did well was the finance side of the buggy, we did not pay for one component, all parts were sourced second hand from garages and the tip over the three weeks holiday.

I personally believe i could have improved on my role as Assistant Project Manager (Build Team) by officially recording the group happenings more effectively. Throughout this project i have kept my group discussions and progress recorded in note form, this includes all my random ideas and personal drawings/layouts. If i had officially written these random notes and 'sketches' up, i maybe could have kept them more organised and possibly shared them more effectively with the group.

I would like to believe that i have learned much from this project but the main things would have to be how to keep the myself organised and motivated.
Posted by Sophie Latham

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