Thursday 29 April 2010

Buggy Review

Now the project is over it is now time to reflect on how well the buggy preformed and how well it was designed.

As my job role was the Electronics Specialist in hindsight I would have laid out the strip board design before soldiering therefore it would have been neater and thus easier to connect the circuit to the PICACE board and the Motor board. Also looking at some other groups I saw that they were using separate power sources for the boards and the motors thus spreading the power evenly to both components as from rigorous testing of our buggy the batteries started to drain.

On the buggy design we should have sourced a better swivel wheel for our buggy as the one sourced by Mark did not turn smoothly and was slightly too heavy for the motors to pull.

One last thing I would have done better is the build of the chassis as I was drilling and cutting the holes I should have taken more care in protecting the plastic also using a centre punch to stop the drill from slipping and scratching the plastic thus keeping out buggy looking much more professional.

Overall I think that we should have built the chassis sooner which would have allowed us to test the program for longer therefore ironing out any problems it faced following the line.

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