Monday, 26 April 2010

Meeting 7 (26/04/2010)

At this point the lead programmer confirmed she had completed the program testing to a satisfactory standard having taken timer advice from me, with just final calibration experiments necessary. The buggy chassis had been marked out to design; drilled; and cut to shape by the build team, and the final assembly had been completed.

The final test in this meeting however proved the caster wheel at the rear of the buggy caused an unacceptable level of drag due to its weight and off centre pivot. This will require redesigning tomorrow morning before the assessed test, in order to maximise the operational ability of the buggy.

The electronics specialist and assistant project manager have the majority of the images and videos of the construction phase for this project. These shall be posted shortly, along with a detailed explanation of the design and assembly process.

After the test, all group members shall post retrospective reports about this project, including how successful they believed it to be and what future changes they would make to improve the buggy if they were to do it again.

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